My parents found out when I was like two that I’m allergic to penicillin. Apparently, my throat swelled up and I was struggling to get air in and I got this terrible rash! What you said just reminded me of all that.

Also, this piece, and many of your other pieces are a clear example of something called ‘epistemic injustice’ it is a philosophical term which I wrote a paper on at university for my philosophy degree. In the simplest terms I can put it, it is when someone in power, in your case a doctor or neurologist, treats your poorly in a myriad of ways because, supposedly, they have all the knowledge (and thus ‘power’) and the patient is seen as ‘less than’ and their cries for help are dismissed or their opinions and preferences (like being hypersensitive to medication) are invalidated because SUPPOSEDLY they don’t know what they’re talking about it. As you know from experience, it is actually a huge issue within the medical industry because of the power dynamics between patients and practitioners. And unfortunately, although not surprising, the people who are subjected to it the worst are often marginalised people, disabled people, women, ethnic minorities, and basically anyone else who doesn’t have someone else there to advocate for them and help keep the doctors in check. It’s fucked up and researching and writing about it was quite upsetting. But yeah, I just thought you might be interested to know that, incase you wanted to look it up. :)

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Thank you so much for those fanged pompoms. Because being gaslit, neglected and abused by that many people in positions of power, over that many decades…you really start to wonder if the lights truly aren’t flickering, you’re just…*insert all their crappy labels here* So this calms another layer of hackles that I normally have to battle down myself.

That is fascinating that you chose that topic for college. And then went into the field you did. So important for anyone remotely dealing with the ill, injured, and disabled to understand these things. And I think many do. They just don’t care, or they are addicted to the ego trip.

Thank you for giving me an official term to refer to. 🤓 And as always, for your support and encouragement.

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Yeah, it’s a whole other story I’m sure I’ll write one day, but in essence, I choose to write about that topic because of my own negative experiences when being prescribed anti-depressants the first time round when I was young enough and silly enough to take them.

And yeah there is a lot of interesting stuff on that topic, but some of it is rather dense to read because it’s all talked about through the lens of philosophy, which tends to be heavy on the jargon. A part of what I would’ve liked to do is bridge the gap between the philosophical jargon and the real world experience — but I’ve only got some much time and I chose other things haha.

Thanks Alexx :)

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🤣🤓🤪 TRUTH. #RequiresClones. Well, I’m sure I will love to see you bridge those gaps if you’re ever called to it again.

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Ufffff I at least didn’t have the big respiratory issues with penicillin. But i do have other drugs that do that to me. Not fun.

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