I love this story. I hate this story. I know this story. Know how it starts. Know what's in the in-between. Know where it stops momentarily because what comes after is still being written. I know what's to come and I still read it.

I could read it again.

And so, I will.

And I shall melt in exaltation, joy, envy, grief, excitement, melancholy, and anticipation. All over again.

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*gulp* 🥺🥰😢😘 Thanks, man. For being here through it all. And for being *here*. Again. And again. Purrrrrrrrrr…

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Holy shit Alexx! A whirlwind doesn’t even begin to describe what’s been going on for you! Wow!

I’m so sorry for your loss.

And I’m so happy to hear about you and your flame. And I’m so perplexed/stunned/amazed how life can throw us so much good and so much bad all at once.

I hope you’re doing okay. And I hope your holiday season goes good. All the best. :)

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Thank you so much!! Yeah, I’m just kinda…trying to keep up. *just keep swimming…just keep swimming…* Thank you so much! I hope your holidays are fabulous!

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Yes, sometimes that’s all we can do, ‘just keep swimming’.

All the best, Alexx, really! :)

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Purrrrrr, glub-glub, and Merry Solstice, Michael! You da best!

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